About Bella’s Bumbas

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Bella's Bumbas began in Webster, NY with the intention of providing one little girl, Bella, with a means to become mobile and navigate the world on her own. That initial intention has blossomed into Bella's Bumbas LTD, which has provided over 2,600 chairs to children worldwide.

The chairs have all been tested rigorously by children using them in real-world conditions. The chairs are able to be used on grass, carpet, and really any surface a child might find themselves. Each chair includes a push handle mount and can be customized to the child's' needs with add-ons such as a basket or foot extension.

These chairs provide more than just mobility; they provide a way for a child to be more social and participate in life situations that they may not otherwise be able to. They can be used without worry at splash pads, playgrounds, or just outside playing with friends. These little chairs have even been known to help improve both upper body and core strength and have even helped some children reduce the time they spend on breathing devices.

We are a family run 501(c)3 non-profit managed and run by Rebecca Orr (President), Jeffrey Shorr (Vice President), Marty Parzynski (Managing Director), Laurel Fletcher (Secretary), and Joshua Orr (Director), along with the help of many,many volunteers ranging from builders, to people helping us obtain packing materials, to our generous sponsors. We all work closely together to make sure every child that needs a chair, gets one.

If you have a child facing any kind of mobility challenge, we want to help. After all, "Global mobility is our mission...", and we take that very seriously!

We have been privileged to be able to provide mobility to hundreds of families!